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• 英文タイトル:Neuroendoscopy Market - Growth, Trends, Covid-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

Mordor Intelligenceが調査・発行した産業分析レポートです。神経内視鏡のグローバル市場(2023~2028):硬性神経内視鏡、軟性神経内視鏡 / Neuroendoscopy Market - Growth, Trends, Covid-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028) / MRC2303M070資料のイメージです。• レポートコード:MRC2303M070
• 出版社/出版日:Mordor Intelligence / 2023年1月23日
• レポート形態:英文、PDF、119ページ
• 納品方法:Eメール(受注後2-3営業日)
• 産業分類:医療
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  Single User¥712,500 (USD4,750)▷ お問い合わせ
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Mordor Intelligence社の本調査資料によると、世界の神経内視鏡市場規模が、予測期間中(2022年〜2027年)に年平均成長率4%で拡大すると予測されています。本書は、神経内視鏡の世界市場にフォーカスし、最新動向と今後の市場性などをまとめており、イントロダクション、調査手法、エグゼクティブサマリー、市場動向、製品別(硬性神経内視鏡、軟性神経内視鏡)分析、用途別(経鼻内視鏡検査、脳室内視鏡検査、経頭蓋内視鏡検査)分析、使用別(再利用型、使い捨て型)分析、、地域別(アメリカ、カナダ、メキシコ、ドイツ、イギリス、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、中国、日本、インド、オーストラリア、韓国、中東、南アフリカ、ブラジル、アルゼンチン)分析、競争状況、市場機会・将来の動向などが掲載されています。また、Adeor Medical AG、B. Braun Melsungen AG、Clarus Medical、KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG、Machida Endoscope Co. Ltd、Schindler Endoskopie Technologie GmbH、Tonglu Wanhe Medical Instrument Co. Ltd、Visionsense Corporation、Locamed Ltd、Ackermann Instrumente GmbHなど、主要企業情報が含まれています。
- 硬性神経内視鏡の市場規模
- 軟性神経内視鏡の市場規模
- 経鼻内視鏡検査における市場規模
- 脳室内視鏡検査における市場規模
- 経頭蓋内視鏡検査における市場規模
- 再利用型神経内視鏡の市場規模
- 使い捨て型神経内視鏡の市場規模
- 北米の神経内視鏡市場規模

- ヨーロッパの神経内視鏡市場規模

- アジア太平洋の神経内視鏡市場規模

- 南米/中東の神経内視鏡市場規模

- その他地域の神経内視鏡市場規模

The neuroendoscopy market is projected to register a CAGR of 4% during the forecast period (2022-2027).

The neuroendoscopes market has been moderately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. These devices are used for the treatment of conditions of the central nervous system. As elective surgeries have been postponed, neuroendoscopes have been less utilized than usual and thus suffer from less investment than usual as well. Even as elective procedures resume, it is likely that patients will not attend their delayed screening due to nervousness from the crisis. The neuroendoscopes market suffered from less demand throughout 2020, though revenue rose in 2021 as delayed elective procedures were completed, and vaccines helped patients feel safer about completing screenings.

Neuroendoscopy is performed using an endoscope on end to allow the neurosurgeon to navigate and access the tumor. In order to remove a tumor or take a sample of it (a biopsy), neurosurgeons attach special instruments to the endoscope, often an additional endoscope with forceps and scissors on end, as opposed to conventional open brain surgery, which requires more time for healing post-surgery and induces less pain. Also, neuroendoscopic procedures cause minimal scarring in patients. These benefits are being considered widely in the medical community, and therefore, these procedures are becoming more common worldwide. Hence, the benefits of neuroendoscopic surgery over conventional brain surgery are expected to drive the growth of the market. Other factors that will affect the growth of this market include the rising prevalence of neurological disorders and favorable government initiatives.

Neuroendoscopy Market Trends

The Rigid Neuroendoscope Segment is Expected to Show Better Growth in the Forecast Period

Flexible neuroendosocpes are optic instrument that transmits light and carries images back to the observer through flexible transparent fibers and is used to inspect and treat interior portions of the body. Several advantages associated with flexible neuroendoscopy are expected to drive the demand for flexible neuroendoscopes. One of the primary advantages of flexible neuroendoscopes is that their geometry is not fixed and can be paved along a curved trajectory. Flexible endoscopes provide visibility of the internal side of the organ, which generally cannot be seen with a normal view. According to the study titled, ‘’ Efficacy analysis of flexible neuroendoscopy combined with dry-field techniques in the treatment of chronic subdural hematoma’’, published in June 2019, a flexible endoscopy device was used for chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH). The study revealed that flexible neuroendoscopy was efficient in combination with dry-field techniques (DFTs) in the treatment of CSDH patients.

Furthermore, as per a study titled. ‘New perspectives in the endoscopic treatment of brain purulent collections: targets, techniques, results in a case series, and overview of the literature’, published in May 2020, showed that flexible endoscopy in the treatment of purulent intracranial infections was effective. Such studies are expected to support market growth. The presence of technologically advanced products in the market is further expected to accelerate the market growth. For instance, ‘’flexible video neuro endoscope’’ developed by Karl Storz GmbH is used in the treatment of hydrocephalus. It is the only Food & Drug Administration-approved video neuroendoscopes. Such products are expected to impact market growth positively.

Therefore, with the above-mentioned factors, the market is expected to boost in this segment.

North America is Estimated to Dominate the Neuroendoscopy Market

North America currently dominates the market and is expected to continue the same trend. The neuroendoscopy market is mainly driven by factors such as rising government initiatives and the increasing prevalence of neurological disorders.

In the United States, the risk of being affected by a neurodegenerative disease is increasing dramatically, with the rising geriatric population, as per the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. This indicates that most Americans may be affected by neurodegenerative diseases in the coming decades. As per the data of the United States Census Bureau, in 2019, about 54 million Americans are aged 65 years and above. Furthermore, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5.8 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease as of 2020.

Furthermore, as per the analysis of 2020 by the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States, in 2013-2017, the incidence rate of brain tumors (malignant and non-malignant) was recorded to be about 23.79 cases per 100,000, with the total count of nearly 415,411 incident tumors. In addition, the rising preference of people toward minimally invasive surgery as it cause less post-operative pain is also expected to boost the demand for neuroendoscopes in the market studied. The increasing product approvals are also expected to thrive in the market in this region. For instance, in January 2021, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved Axonpen System designed by ClearMind Biomedical. It is a novel neuroendoscopes that is used in the visualization of intracranial tissue and fluids and the controlled aspiration of tissue and/or fluid during surgery. Thus, with the rising burden of neurological disorders along with the rising preference for minimally invasive surgeries and technological advancements with respect to new products, it is expected to contribute to market growth.

Neuroendoscopy Market Competitor Analysis

The global players in the neuroendoscopy market are Adeor Medical AG, B. Braun Melsungen AG, Clarus Medical, KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG, Machida Endoscope Co. Ltd, Schindler Endoskopie Technologie GmbH, and Tonglu Wanhe Medical Instrument Co. Ltd.

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1.1 Study Deliverables
1.2 Study Assumptions
1.3 Scope of the Study



4.1 Market Overview
4.2 Market Drivers
4.2.1 Rising Prevalence of Neurological Disorders
4.2.2 Benefits of Neuroendoscopic Surgery over Conventional Brain Surgery
4.2.3 Favorable Government Initiatives
4.3 Market Restraints
4.3.1 High Cost of the Procedures
4.4 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
4.4.1 Threat of New Entrants
4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
4.4.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
4.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products
4.4.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

5.1 By Product
5.1.1 Rigid Neuroendoscopes
5.1.2 Flexible Neuroendoscopes
5.2 By Application
5.2.1 Transnasal Neuroendoscopy
5.2.2 Intraventricular Neuroendoscopy
5.2.3 Transcranial Neuroendoscopy
5.3 By Usability
5.3.1 Reusable Neuroendoscopes
5.3.2 Disposable Neuroendoscopes
5.4 By Geography
5.4.1 North America United States Canada Mexico
5.4.2 Europe Germany United Kingdom France Italy Spain Rest of Europe
5.4.3 Asia-Pacific China Japan India Australia South Korea Rest of Asia-Pacific
5.4.4 Middle-East GCC South Africa Rest of Middle-East
5.4.5 South America Brazil Argentina Rest of South America

6.1 Company Profiles
6.1.1 Adeor Medical AG
6.1.2 B. Braun Melsungen AG
6.1.3 Clarus Medical
6.1.4 KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG
6.1.5 Machida Endoscope Co. Ltd
6.1.6 Schindler Endoskopie Technologie GmbH
6.1.7 Tonglu Wanhe Medical Instrument Co. Ltd
6.1.8 Visionsense Corporation
6.1.9 Locamed Ltd
6.1.10 Ackermann Instrumente GmbH